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hey there!


I am Suraj Prabhu

About Me

I am currently working in TCS as application developer,but in my free time,I like to create websites and learn new things in frontend development.I also like to read non fiction books and articles/blogs about startups,cyber security and new innovations in technology.


Link Scrutinizer

This website was created as part of final year project.This website helps you to detect malicious url using ML,which is deployed on api.


Password Manager

Designed and implemented the core functionality of a password manager website for storing users passwords in safe and secure manner,supporting multiple users



REACT Familiar Intermediate Proficient
HTML Familiar Intermediate Proficient
CSS Familiar Intermediate Proficient
JS Familiar Intermediate Proficient
SQL Familiar Intermediate Proficient
Node JS Familiar Intermediate Proficient
Express Familiar Intermediate Proficient
MySQL Familiar Intermediate Proficient
Oracle Familiar Intermediate Proficient


Coaching Classes Website

This website was created as an part of internship in third year. It is divided into three main modules which are admin,teacher and students,where each module has its own set of features.